Sunday, July 31, 2011

Importance of practicing detachment

Message for the day 31-07-2011

Detachment brings stability.

When we use the facilities we have with detachment, we will not be influenced by them but will make full use of them. When we are attached to the instruments we will not be able to remain stable if those instruments are not available for us.

Solution: If I ever find myself in a situation where some facility which I use is not available for me, I need to remind myself that the facilities that I use are my creation and I need not be dependent on them. In this way I can maintain my stability.   

Soul Sustenance 31-07-2011

Experiencing The Subtle Body Or Body Of Light (Meditation) I feel comfortable... peaceful... I focus my eyes on a specific point and let them rest there... My hands are in my lap... I am aware of my breathing... I begin to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling... When I inhale, I imagine an energy filling my lungs that relaxes me... it makes me peaceful... it calms me... On letting go of the air, I feel that all the tension, worries, confusion... are leaving me...

After some moments of deep breathing, I centre my attention on my feet, where I feel a gentle light energy... like a vibration that relaxes my feet... I mentally withdraw this energy that connects to my feet... I visualize how a white light goes slowly up my ankles... my legs... like a light current... I feel as if my feet, legs... were to disappear... become light... weightless... I carry on bringing my attention upwards, slowly through my body through my pelvis, until my chest... I feel that current of warm white light running through this part of my body...

Now I look at my hands... I separate them... I move my fingers... I relax them, feeling how that white light withdraws, going up my arms... My arms relax... my hands... my arms are weightless... This gentle light energy now goes up my neck and envelops my face... Waves of light and peace run over my face... the muscles of my face are relaxed... I feel very light... a pleasant feeling of wellbeing is filling my entire body...

I experience a very deep peace within me... I concentrate this light energy at the centre of my forehead... I visualize this light energy as a star floating between my eyes... that radiates energy and light... I am live energy... I am light... my form is light... I am a being of light... I am free... different from my body... I feel incorporeal (non-physical)... beyond the awareness of my body...

I feel at peace... free... completely free of the limitations of this body and the physical world... I am a being of peace... I radiate this energy of peace in the form of vibrations that spread outwards... to the place I am in... to my surroundings... and all the atmosphere becomes peaceful and calm. I enjoy this state of being light.       

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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