Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Let there be a positive record of always talking with regard.

Message for the day 

Expression: When I have regard for others, there are good wishes expressed through my words. Such words are totally free from the slightest bit of negativity and bring a very positive result. When words are positive, they are few but essenceful. So they have a lot of impact on others.

Experience: When I have regard for others, I will be able to keep myself free from negative and waste words. So I'll naturally find every word of mine being used in a positive and powerful way. So I find only accumulation and no waste through my words. My energy is saved and others too would have only good wishes for me.

Soul Sustenance 


There are two different basic levels of consciousness; "I am a body" (which is illusory (false)) or .I am a soul," (which is real). When the feeling is "I am a body," the thought process is trapped in the limitations, problems and vision of the physical identity. Its reaction to others is on the same level.

Given below is an awareness-thought-decision-action-result cycle in the case of a typical father-son relationship. You will notice the difference consciousness can make to the cycle.

Body Consciousness: I am the father. I know the most.
Soul Consciousness: I am a soul. My natural state is love and peace.

Body Consciousness: My son should listen to me as he is my own flesh and blood.
Soul Consciousness: My son is a soul too. As a soul he is my brother.

Body Consciousness: I will teach him a lesson.
Soul Consciousness: I will respect his idea also.

Body Consciousness: Father argues with son.
Soul Consciousness: Father and son discuss with respect.

Body Consciousness: Ill feeling between father and son.
Soul Consciousness: Respect maintained.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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