Saturday, September 6, 2014

The ones who work towards perfection naturally inspire perfection in others

Message for the day 06-09-2014

Projection: All life's situations are lessons for bringing about progress, for the one who is committed towards perfection. Such a person never expects others to be perfect, knowing that every human being has his own weaknesses. He is instead able to accommodate others' weaknesses. He only inspires others to bring about transformation and work towards perfection. 

Solution: When I am constantly working towards bringing perfection within myself, I am able to take everything that happens to me in a positive way, as a chance for bringing about self-progress. Also I am able to keep myself positive seeing only the goodness in the other individual and encouraging it. So I am able to enjoy each moment of my life. 

Soul Sustenance 06-09-2014

Cleaning Up The Cupboards Of Your Mind 

When you are capable of relaxing, controlling your thought patterns and concentrating, you can reach deeper and more subtle states of meditation from which you connect with your inner potential for peace and purest love (the positive) and on the other hand, you clean out unnecessary memories (the negative). You reach the spiritual power that allows you to transform habits that are not very healthy and the beliefs that sustain them. Out of love and peace you can purify and clear the turbulent (rough) waters that there are at times in the subconscious. 

When you meditate, you review whether there is something that has influenced you and you clean it out, so that only the highest, the most positive, the most beautiful, remains inside you and comes out of you. Meditation and reflection help you to clean out the register that, from the subconscious, brings about inadequate thoughts and uncontrolled emotions. Cleansing (cleaning up) in depth requires a clear purpose, being prepared to let go of the past; cleansing the wounds and pain accumulated in the store of your inner being; facing the present with dignity, with wisdom and visualizing, with confidence and trust, a future full of positivity. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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